Comparing the Cost of Invisalign® Treatment vs Braces

Congratulations! You’ve decided to begin the process of straightening your teeth and getting the smile of your dreams. This is an important step that can help improve your self-esteem and self-confidence.1

While that first step is behind you, there will be lots of decisions to make, like which orthodontist should I consult? Do I want braces, aligners, or another form of treatment? How will my life be affected?

One of the most important things people have to figure out once they’ve decided to straighten their teeth is determining which treatment best fits their budget. This can be especially true when deciding between Invisalign® clear aligners or traditional braces. There is a lot to consider, and you want to be informed when talking to your orthodontist, dentist, or oral care provider about your treatment options.

Invisalign aligners provide constant gentle pressure

Before getting into cost, it’s important to know how treatment options like braces and Invisalign aligners work. With Invisalign treatment, your teeth gradually move into place by a series of clear, removable aligners. These aligners are customized to your mouth and gradually reposition your teeth by applying constant, gentle pressure.2 Typically, people wear Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. Your orthodontist can tell you how long you’ll need to wear your aligners.

Braces use wires and metal brackets to straighten your smile

With braces, metal brackets are attached to your teeth with a special bonding material. The brackets are then connected to one another with a wire. Your orthodontist will then re-align your smile by tightening the wire to reposition your teeth.

How much do braces and Invisalign aligners cost?

The cost of Invisalign treatment is comparable to the cost of braces.

The cost of braces and Invisalign aligners depends on the complexity of your case and the length of treatment. Your doctor can tell you how much braces and Invisalign treatment costs.

Braces can cost as much as $7,500

Without insurance, braces can cost between $3,000 and $7,500.3 The exact cost will depend on a variety of factors including your orthodontist, the complexity of your case, your age, and your location.

Insurance may help cover up to $3,000 in orthodontic treatment4

Many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign treatment the same way they cover braces. Depending on your plan, your insurer may pay a certain percentage of your treatment, or a certain dollar amount. Want to know how much your insurer would cover? Download the My Invisalign mobile app and explore your options.

Setting up a monthly payment plan for Invisalign treatment or braces

There are several options for monthly payment plans if you can’t pay the full cost of your treatment all at once. Many orthodontists offer flexible and affordable monthly payment plans to spread out the cost of treatment over several months.

Factor in how braces and aligners will impact your life

Braces have historically been the more traditional form of treatment to straighten teeth, but Invisalign aligners are also a popular choice. Since 2011, over 1,900,000 patients with complex orthodontic issues worldwide have been treated with Invisalign clear aligners .

Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible

Invisalign aligners are made from a proprietary material and are virtually invisible. Chances are, no one will know you’re wearing them unless you tell them.

Invisalign treatment is faster than braces5

Many patients get the smile they want faster with Invisalign treatment rather than traditional braces – five months faster, in fact.5 Multiple studies have found than Invisalign treatment finished almost five months quicker than treatment with braces.6

Invisalign treatment is more comfortable than braces

Not only are Invisalign aligners faster than braces, they are more comfortable as well.7 Invisalign aligners are made from a proprietary material that moves your teeth more comfortably.8 Unlike many other clear aligners, Invisalign aligners are trimmed based on each patient’s gum line to offer optimal comfort and an aesthetically pleasing experience.

There are no food restrictions with Invisalign aligners

When you wear braces, there are many foods you should avoid. This includes popcorn, nuts, corn on the cob, candy, carrots, apples and more. These limits aren’t necessary with Invisalign treatment. Invisalign aligners are removable, so you don’t have to worry about food restrictions while straightening your smile.

Removable aligners make it easier to take care of your teeth and avoid cavities

Taking care of your teeth is easier with Invisalign aligners than braces because you can take your aligners out before brushing and flossing. You can maintain your normal brushing and flossing routine with Invisalign aligners. This is one reason why patients treated with Invisalign aligners have better gum health and greater satisfaction during orthodontic treatment than patients with fixed appliances like braces.9

Invisalign treatment means fewer doctor visits than braces

Both braces and Invisalign treatment require regular check-ins with an orthodontist or dental health professional. This is good, because it means you’ll have a trained expert in your corner that will monitor your progress and adjust as necessary. With Invisalign treatment, you’ll be spending less time in the doctor’s office; Invisalign patients require 30% fewer doctor visits, on average, than patients with fixed appliances like braces.10 Invisalign patients spend less time visiting the doctor as well; because there are no brackets or wires to break, emergency visits with Invisalign clear aligners occur almost 80% less frequently than with braces.11

Ask your orthodontist these questions about the cost of braces vs Invisalign treatment

It might seem intimidating, but the more questions you can ask about your treatment options, the more confident you can be in your treatment plan and the more comfortable you will be paying for your new smile.

Specific questions to ask include:

  • Does your office offer financing?

  • Do you charge financing fees or interest?

  • Is there a discount for paying in full?

  • How much can my dental and health insurance contribute?

  • How long will I make monthly payments?

  • What’s the total plan cost?

  • What if treatment runs longer than expected?

  • What if my appliance(s) break?

See your new smile with Invisalign SmileView™

Want to get an idea of what your new smile might look like? Try Invisalign’s SmileView - it creates a computer-generated simulation of what your smile might look like after treatment.

Talk to your orthodontist

Ready to learn more? Try talking to your local orthodontist, dentist, or dental health provider. They can review your situation, answer your questions, and help come up with a treatment plan that works for your smile and your wallet. Don’t have an Invisalign provider yet? Try Invisalign’s Find a Doctor tool and find an Invisalign provider near you.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this website are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please seek the advice of your health care provider with any questions you may have regarding any dental or medical-related condition and never disregard or delay seeking such advice because of something you have read on this website.

Wonder if Invisalign treatment is right for you?

  1. Imani, M et al (2018 Jun 20) The Effect of Orthodontic Intervention on Mental Health and Body Image Open Access Maced J Med Sci. Nascimento, V et al (2016 Sep) Impact of orthodontic treatment on self-esteem and quality of life of adult patients requiring oral rehabilitation The Angle Orthodontist. Johal A et al (2014 Sep 11) The impact of orthodontic treatment on quality of life and self-esteem in adult patients European Journal of Orthodontics. American Association of Orthodontists. Why Do I Need An Orthodontist?. ( Accessed 6/29/23 Albino J et al (1993 April 7) Albino J et al (1993 April 7) Psychological and Social Effects of Orthodontic Treatment Journal of Behavioral Medicine.;sequence=1 Afroz S et al (2013 Dec 13) Dental Esthetics and Its Impact on Psycho-Social Well-Being and Dental Self Confidence: A Campus Based Survey of North Indian University Students Journal of the Indian Prosthodontic Society. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Basics of Oral Health. ( Accessed 6/27/23
  2. American Association of Orthodontists. Clear Aligners. ( Accessed 5/21/24
  3. Yetman D. (2021 April 1) How Much Do Braces Cost? Healthline.
  4. Data from OrthoFi for calendar year 2021, N = 112,243, US patients with dental insurance coverage who used OrthoFi insurance verification tool. Coverage amount averaged $1,772 USD, with 92% qualifying for up to $3,000 USD and 77% qualifying for up to $2,000 USD in coverage for orthodontic treatment. Data on file at Align Technology, as of January 19, 2023.
  5. Data on file at Align Technology, as of October 20th, 2019
  6. Gu, J et al. Evaluation of Invisalign treatment effectiveness and efficiency compared with conventional fixed appliances using the Peer Assessment Rating index. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop February 2017;151:259-66. Also in Buschang, P et al. Comparative time efficiency of aligner therapy and conventional edgewise braces. Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 3, 2014.
  7. Study sponsored by Align Technology and based on adult Class I, nonextraction, mild to moderate crowding cases with SmartTrack material. David W. White, Katie C. Julien, Helder Jacob, Phillip M. Campbell and Peter H. Buschang, Discomfort associated with Invisalign and traditional brackets: A randomized, prospective trial. The Angle Orthodontist Nov 2017, Vol. 87, No. 6 pp. 801-808
  8. Compared to Invisalign aligners previously made from single-layer (EX30) material.
  9. Based on lower modified sulcus bleeding index (SBI) and Plaque Index (PI) with average treatment time of 12.9 ± 7.2 month (fixed appliances) 12.6 ± 7.4 months (Invisalign treatment) on 100 patients (age 11-62, 50 fixed appliances, 50 Invisalign treatment)
  10. Buschang et al; Comparative time efficiency of aligner therapy and conventional edgewise braces. Angle Orthod 1 May 2014; 84 (3): 391–396. Borda et al; Outcome assessment of orthodontic clear aligner vs fixed appliance treatment in a teenage population with mild malocclusions. Angle Orthod 1 July 2020; 90 (4): 485–490.
  11. Data on File at Align Technology, as of July 12 2017: *Based on a global claims survey by Actionable Research of Invisalign providers, respondents were asked the following question: In what percent of cases do patients require an emergency visit? (Global respondents N= 898)